End of Summer Picnic

This past weekend we hosted the annual End of Summer picnic for my local Compassionate Friends Group. We have done this for the last maybe 5 years. It’s a day we all get together. It’s a day we aren’t Mike’s, or Beau’s, Or Jimmy’s mom/dad. It’s a day we are a group of friends. United by a horrific cause, but friends none the less.

I’d love to show you pictures of how much fun we had. Alas, I suck at taking pictures and am always the one at the end of the weekend with a weird picture of dill pickle salad from Trader Joe’s not a single other picture of all the fun our family had getting together for the day.

But suffice it to say for several hours we were simply friends. We were catching up on Mary and Jim’s trip to Hawaii and the wild fires. We were friends listening to Lisa and Scott’s adventure of travelling the Canadian Rockies by train. We were friends hearing how much fun I had at a tiny house with my sisters. We were friends sharing in Larry and Jeanne’s daughter in laws journey with cancer and Connie’s trip to Ocean City Maryland with grandkids. We laughed. We cried a bit. We shared our lives. We missed those who couldn’t come because they were sick.

We ate great food and I remembered not to put cheese on one hamburger for Connie who hates cheese. We swapped stories and enjoyed for an afternoon not having to retell our stories for the one thousandth time. We knew we all get it. We know each other’s stories and we accept each other for who we are in this world.

When you are a parent who has lost a child life is overwhelming. In the early days you are wondering if you can go on and some days you wonder if you WANT to go on. And that answer is no. In the early days I wanted to just quit living. I wanted to go be with Michael. But as the years went by I realized there was more to life than simply watching other people live. I realized I wanted to figure out how to live life without my son. And that is when I found life coaching.

Life coaching literally saved my life and my mind. I learned how to deal with loss. I learned how to feel my feelings and manage my mind. I learned that there is so much more than scrolling on face book and drinking wine to escape.

I can help you learn this too. Join me in a FREE dscovery call to see if we are a good fit to work together. If you have suffered loss. I can teach you the tools you need to learn how to live again. I can offer you hope htat life CAN be good again.

Contact me to schedule your free call.




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