Finding Hope

Finding Hope after loss is the new name of my Facebook group page.  When I decided to become a life coach my intent was to help other grieving mothers and that is still my passion and still what I want to do with my coaching.  

I am currently enrolled in a class to be a grief coach.  While my focus is still on helping moms I have discovered that there are a whole lot of women out there who need hope and support who have suffered other kinds of loss.  

If you have lost a mother, a child, a sibling, a husband, through death or divorce you will grieve that loss. If you lost a job you love you will grieve that loss. There are many losses that society and the world will tell you “to just get over it”   

My mother died when I was 10.  Things were different in 1976 than they are today.  My sisters and I were not prepared to lose our mother. We weren’t prepared for the myriad of changes that were to affect our long lives.  We coped the best we could with what we knew at the time. 

Life doesn’t have to be about just surviving or coping.  Life can be beautiful and fun.  You can heal from the pain of loss.  You can learn to live to love and you can have a vibrant fulfilling life. 

If you find you’ve read every self help book out there. If you find you are struggling to get through the days or you are numbing out with over shopping, over spending, over eating, over drinking, scrolling mindlessly on social media and feel like you are stuck in that cycle.  I can help.   

I will be sharing more on the HOPE model of healing and how you can heal from the pain of loss in the next couple of weeks.  I will be sharing with you all some insights on healing and living the life you want to live.  

I can’t wait to share it with you. I promise you it takes some time and effort, but the results you achieve are worth it!

Stay tuned for some exciting news and a chance to work with me for free.  


Life after Loss


Bereaved Parents Month